Publishing R Markdown documents containing interactive plots

One of the advantages of writing R Markdown documents is that they can be compiled into HTML documents, which can incorporate interactive plots. This post is an R Markdown document that was compiled into an HTML document, and can be found in algoquant’s GitHub repository here: R interactive plots

Before creating interactive plots, we need to install the package rutils from GitHub:

# install.packages("devtools")

The rutils package contains a dataset of daily OHLC time series in xts format, for a portfolio of stock symbols. The time series are contained in an environment called env_etf. The data is set up for lazy loading, so it doesn’t require calling data(etf_data) to load it before being able to call it.

Now we can create interactive plots using the time series data from package rutils. Below is an example of an interactive time series plot produced using the dygraphs package. Left-click on the plot and drag your mouse, to select a date range, then double-click to return to the original range.

# load rutils which contains env_etf dataset
x_ts <- env_etf$price_s[, c("VTI", "IEF")]
# plot dygraph with date range selector
dygraph(x_ts, main="VTI and IEF prices") %>%
  dyOptions(colors=c("blue","green")) %>%

The dygraphs package in R is an interface to the dygraphs JavaScript charting library. Interactive dygraphs plots require running JavaScript code, which can be embedded in HTML documents, and displayed by web browsers. But pdf documents can’t run JavaScript code, so they can’t display interactive dygraph() plots,

Publishing R Markdown documents with plotly interactive plots

Below is an example of an interactive time series plot produced using the plotly package. Left-click on the plot and drag your mouse, to select a date range, then double-click to return to the original range.

# load rutils which contains env_etf dataset
# create data frame of time series
data_frame <-
    coredata(env_etf$price_s[, c("VTI", "IEF")]))
# plotly syntax using pipes
data_frame %>% 
  plot_ly(x=dates, y=VTI, fill="tozeroy", name="VTI") %>% 
  add_trace(x=dates, y=IEF, fill="tonexty", name="IEF") %>% 
  layout(title="VTI and IEF prices", 
         yaxis=list(title="Stock Prices"),
         legend=list(x=0.1, y=0.9))
# standard plotly syntax - for reference
# p_lot <- plot_ly(data=data_frame, x=dates, y=VTI, fill="tozeroy", name="VTI")
# p_lot <- add_trace(p=p_lot, x=dates, y=IEF, fill="tonexty", name="IEF")
# p_lot <-   layout(title="VTI and IEF prices", xaxis=list(title="Time"), yaxis=list(title="Stock Prices"), legend=list(x=0.1, y=0.9))
# p_lot

Resources for creating interactive plots in R

Links to resources for the R package dygraphs:

Links to resources for the R package plotly: